Reflection and Life


IUS’s approach puts each discipline in relation with others; without denying the legitimate autonomy of each, it aims to highlight their common roots and goals.


The academic project is centered on an experience of a study community in which research, reflection and life are shared, not only among  students from different nations, but also between students and professors, and with the staff of the Institute.


Such a dynamic is animated by a “pact” to welcome and accept each other, which is renewed and nourished regularly with moments of sharing that integrate lessons and seminars. At the root of the educational program is the Christian spiritual patrimony, in constant dialogue with the principles from which civilizations of peoples blossomed and continue to flourish.


Dialogue and reciprocity are therefore the two pillars of this educational project. These deal with elements that above all impact persons: transparency, welcome, self-giving. They promote, on an intellectual level, a precise methodology of learning, of production of thought and common ground among the different disciplines. Dialogue and reciprocity thus trace out an epistemological perspective capable of overcoming the fragmentation of knowledge and recomposing unity between the various disciplines, while respecting their specific competencies.

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