Economic and Political Sciences


Economics and management

The economy is going through a change in paradigm. We need new ideas and new practices. These new ideas and practices should undergird also the teaching of economics, now in crisis due to its progressive distancing from real life and the problems of the people. We need to adopt the educational tools that are suitable for correctly reading the phenomena in which reality is manifested and in order to act in an adequate manner.


What you will learn

The educational program articulates the main themes relative to Economic and Management Sciences, developing them in an integrated manner.  

On one hand, the students learn the necessary competencies to understand the functioning of:

- the economic systems, both from a micro-economic and macro-economic perspective.
- the civil economy and economic development, from a point of view that integrates both local and global dimensions,  
- the necessary connections between the economy and ethics, the economy and the common good; 

on the other, to understand and interpret:

- the theories on business management, highlighting the main implications for the different systems of management,
- the formulation of business strategies and economics of decision-making,
- the most innovative methods of internal and external accountability.


Involvement of Business People and Managers 

The program amply covers the history of business ownership and management, and the externship aims at training students also in management techniques and/or business start up.  The best practices of business owners and managers will be focused on, and their various expressions in the life of a business: from the statement of its mission to forming its business strategies, from marketing to communication plans, from conflict resolution policies to the analysis of issues that go with becoming international.  



The externship directly involves students in businesses within the Civil Economy and those of the Economy of Communion in Italy and worldwide. It gives them the chance to test out on the field what they have learned during lectures and throughout their studies.
For those who cultivate the idea of becoming business owners, or for whom this desire may mature during their studies, the externship can also be done at the Industrial Park of the Economy of Communion in Loppiano, with the possibility of assessing their entrepreneurial idea and eventually developing it into a business.



- thanks to the DNA within Sophia, which is the same as the one that gave life to the Economy of Communion;
- because of the characteristics of the faculty, which constitute the reference point in the study of Civil Economy and that of Communion; 
- through the vital connection with the world of organizations in the Civil Economy and that of Communion,

the specializations aim to form:

• economists, managers, business people for  Social Economy, non-profits and NGOs, with a solid technical and cultural education, enabling them to operate as leaders in every type of business and institution; 
• economists, managers and business people who are well versed, that is, able not only to read and interpret the economic phenomena from the perspective of the culture of unity, but also capable of being leaders in the building of an Economy that is, truly in all its dimensions, Civil and of Communion.




Political Science

Today’s political reality has become extremely complex, to the point that traditional programs of political science do not manage to understand it in its entirety and in its relationships. 

In fact, every single political event happens at the crossroads of two dimensions: 
- the vertical one, which places in relationship different levels of political life: the local, national, international and global;
- the horizontal one, which places in relationship the different social, political and institutional  actors. 

These two dimensions cross each other, generating a complex scenario that creates the current difficulties of interpretation and suitable interventions.
In the specializations of Political Studies at the IUS, the political reality is studied through an inter- disciplinary perspective which integrates the different knowledge basis from different sciences, but which are all important for politics.


This integration allows for a more effective attempt to:
1) understand the political landscape in its complexity;
2) acquire the theoretical grounding and practices to intervene in it. 


What you learn

The studies are articulated into three areas:

1) critical analysis and understanding of the main political cultures, in their conceptual roots, in their history and their current efficacy;  
2) analysis of democracy in its different interpretations and aspects, with particular attention given to the following themes: 
- democracy and participation;
- subjects and organizations of democracy;
- political communication;
3) politics and international relations. 


Theory and praxis

In addition to the integration between disciplines, the specialization in Political Studies is characterized by the existing integration between theory and praxis. For this reason, much time is given for:

- the analysis of concrete cases and past and present experiences; 
- exercises to learn the tools and methods of political participation and intervention; 
- exchanges with professionals in politics (parliamentarians, administrators, officials, diplomats).


Professional Outlook

At the end of the specialized program in Political Studies, the students may:

a) continue in political and social research in academic environments, towards a Doctoral degree, or a specialized Master’s program;

b) get involved with competency in political life in its different forms; 
c hold positions of responsibility in public policy, professional and labour unions, non-governmental associations; 
d) organize projects  aimed at prevention, conflict resolution and social integration.



Corsi Professore Ore ECTS
Propedeutici     -
Lineamenti di storia della Filosofia I e II Ciancioso 48 -
Lingua italiana (corso base - corso avanzato) Masciello 120 -
Introduzione alle dinamiche del dialogo interculturale Montoya 8 -
Vie, figure e storia della teologia Tremblay - Clemenzia 24 -
Fondamentali Obbligatori     31
Per una Cultura dell’Unità: metodologia e percorso vari 8 -
Per una Cultura dell’Unità: esercitazione Rossé - Porrino 72 1
Ermeneutica biblica della rivelazione Rossé 48 6
L'esperienza religiosa e la rivelazione: scienze delle religioni e teologia O'Byrne - Dipalma 48 6
Logica e Filosofia della Scienza I Povilus - Rondinara 48 6
Istituzioni di Economia civile Gui - Dal Degan 48 6
Fondamenti di Politica Baggio 48 6
Caratterizzanti Obbligatori     21
Economia ed Etica Bruni - Zamagni 48 6
Economia e direzione d’impresa

Argiolas - Buarque

48 6
Controllo di gestione Baldarelli 24 3
Management del lavoro Grevin 24 3
Seminario sull’Economia di Comunione Gui - Argiolas - Zamagni 24 3
Opzionali 1     3
Cattedra Piero Pasolini:
Il metodo in teologia di Bernard J. F. Lonergan
From Big Bang to Big Mystery: Human originsin the Light of Creationand Evolution  O'Hara 24 3
Attività extra (a scelta fra quelle ufficiali)                                 2


1  Per i Corsi Opzionali è possibile scegliere inoltre tra i Corsi Caratterizzanti del Percorso integrato o di un’altra specializzazione, compatibilmente con gli orari modulari e con il Piano di Studi del proprio indirizzo.

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