Sophia Review
year V, n. 2, July-December 2013


CODA, Piero. Chiara Lubich: "Discorso inaugurale" di Sophia. Analisi e interpretazione

The object of this study is the speech with which Chiara Lubich inaugurated the Superior Institute of Culture (ISC) on August 15, 2001. This Institute was organized with the help of an international team of teachers and scholars, whose members had been invited by her – over 10 years previously – to participate in the original laboratory of study, dialogue and research, which Chiara herself called the “Abba School”, working from the spiritual and cultural heritage of the charism of unity. ISC was the immediate forerunner and the incubation cradle of the Sophia University  Institute, which was established by a decree of the Congregation for Catholic Education on 7 December 2007. The objective of this paper is to provide a brief exegesis and an initial interpretation of this inaugural speech, to indicate its inspirational intuition, its central message, its fundamental contents, and its cultural and academic significance.


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FERRARA, Pasquale. La "pace costituente". Per un'interpretazione integrativa delle relazione internazionale

This text presents the inaugural lecture of the academic year 2012/2013 at the Sophia University Institute (delivered on 18 October 2012). The author seeks a possible description of the concept of “constitutive peace”. It emerges as an operative concept, as a description of possibility always subject  to failure, as the construction of a context which permits the ongoing activity of international politics amidst the daily struggles of building and conserving relations.


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FRIZZI, Paolo. Cristianesimo e religione nel '900: L'intuizione e la vicenda di Chiara Lubich. Storia Teologia Società

The author delivered this doctorate lecture on the 7 of November 2012 at the Sophia University Institute. His research aimed at deepening the theoretical roots, historical developments, and social perspectives that inform the dialogue between Christianity and religions in pluralistic societies. The observations are from a Christian perspective, following the theological path pursued by the Catholic Church, with a specific focus on the insight, example and practice of Chiara Lubich and the Focolare Movement in its global development. In light of the distinctive methodological traits that distinguish Sophia University Institute, the study aimed to apply an interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary method, between history, theology and sociology, in order to probe the relations between religions. This approach seemed especially suited to meet the complex challenge of understanding the religious fact in a pluralistic society, with simultaneous trajectories of secularization and of increasing presence of religions in the public agenda and in the public square.


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VARGAS ANDRADE, Sonia. Categorías espacio-temporales en el abandono de Jesús. Una lectura teologica

This article aims at identifying the theological nucleus of the charism of Chiara Lubich. God does not reveal himself through a concepts in a charism, but communicates his very self. In the charism of Lubich the intuition of the abandonment emerges as original within her context. The abandonment is an event that involves the length, width and breadth of christological soteriology, and therefore regards the manifestation of the Mystery of God. Past, present and future are condensed in the abandonment as the ad-venire of the Love of God in history. This study attempts to provide a platform for the understanding of the economic Trinity in Lubich’s thought, so as reach the immanent Trinity by means of an analogical epistemology.


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BAGGIO, Antonio Maria. Introduzione ai tesi del seminario su: "La fraternità come principio relazionale giuridico e politico"

This section presents some interventions from the Seminar on “Fraternity as a relational principle in law and politics”, organized by the Department of Political Studies at the Sophia University Institute, in collaboration with RUEF (Red Universitaria para el Estudio de la Fraternidad) from 11-13 March 2013 at Loppiano (Incisa in Val d’Arno, Firenze).


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LOKO, Théodore C. Le Fondament juridique de la subsidiarite pragmatique internationale

The author examines and illustrates the theme of pragmatic international sub­sidiarity in relation to certain categories of law and politics, evidencing the im­plications, limits and potential of these. Constant reference is made to the inter­pretative horizon offered by the Social Teaching of the Church. Particular at­tention is paid to the principle of frater­nity understood as a regulative principle even of judicial systems.


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RICHTER, Daniela e VERONESE, Josiane Rose Petry. "Bullying" nas escolas: a necessária atuação do direito da criança e do adolescente com vistas à promoção de uma cultura fraterna

The analysis of the phenomenon of bul­lying, on the basis of the teaching of Integral Protection, which is the matrix for the Children and Adolescent Law, as well as Fraternal Law, implies a dif­ferentiated perspective on that issue, so as not to risk simply criminalizing it. In this context, fraternity is a fundamental element in the constitution of relation­ships, whether it be in the relationship with other individuals or in the relation­ship with others in institutional con­texts. From that perspective, therefore, fraternity is able to promote the build­ing of a society that promotes non-vio­lence, respect and tolerance.


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COSTA LIMA, Alexandre José. O juízo político da Hannah Arendt aplicado à fraternidade

This article looks at the application of the concept of political justice elaborat­ed by Hannah Arendt, on the basis of the aesthetic judgement of Kant. This concept of political judgement, origi­nally devised by Arendt in view of ethi­cal and political resistance in dark times, can also be used, this article argues, to develop broad visions and critical au­tonomy in the 21st century. A vast and fertile field of application would be that of the principle of fraternity, linking the field of law with that of intercultural studies.


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ROSSI, Fabio. Fraternità e riconciliazione nella giurisdizione penale

In support of the idea that penal juris­diction aims at reconciliation, two im­portant examples tend to be cited. One is that of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in post-apartheid South Africa, in which reconciliation is “first of all a political act, the establishment of a neutral space in which various par­ties meet in favour of justice and recon­struction”. The other is the Italian expe­rience of reform of the penal procedure for minors, characterized by guidelines that place the person at the centre, such as the “the re-educative goal, the mini­mal injuriousness of the trial, the care of personality and privacy of the minor, affective and psychological assistance”. In moving towards a change in the cur­rent penal jurisdiction, the principle of fraternity can serve as an element that connects the private and public spheres, and offer itself as a political and almost procedural category.


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BAGGIO, Antonio Maria. Studies on fraternity: pointers on the work done during this past decade

This article mentions some academic events of the past decade and some rel­evant publications on the topic of frater­nity, with the goal of offering a direction in preparation for the appointment on the 11-13 of March, 2013, «Fraternity as Relational Principle, in Law and Poli­tics»; Sophia University Institute, Loppi­ano (Florence).


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HEBBELINCK, Claire. La procréation médicalement assistée selon les législateurs italien et belge: le droit comme vecteur des principes au fondement de nos sociétés

Disagreements about “Medically Assist­ed Procreation” depend on the fact that MAP is always related with the manip­ulation of life. This article outlines the positions taken by Italian and Belgian legislators, who after years of unregu­lated practice have taken possession of the topic in order to norms to regulate this activity. The process of framing such regulations needed first to look at bio­ethical reflection, and interrogate other disciplines with specific competence in this area, so as to illuminate it from vari­ous points of view. The evolution of bio­ethical reflection gives evidence of the guidelines that were followed by legis­lators. The differences between the Ital­ian and Belgian laws reflect decisions to adopt different principles at the foun­dation of the respective laws. Since law serves not just in a prescriptive way, but first of all to give evidence of the basic values upon which society is built, the Italian and Belgian cases, considered from the point of view of the interpre­tative criteria used in the formulation of the law give evidence of the different ethical models to which the two legisla­tures made reference.


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O'HARA, Paul; POVILUS, Judith; SLIPPER Callan. John Polkinghorne: the Trinity and an entangled World. Relationality in Physical Science and Theology (Book Review 2012)

The Trinity and an Entangled World: Relationality in Physical Science and Theology, edited by John Polkinghorne, at the crossroads between physics and theology, brings together essays of authors from various backgrounds and disciplines on the theme of the structure of reality, focusing particularly on the category of “relationality”. A similarly interdisciplinary approach is found in our reviews from J. Povilus, P. O’Hara and C. Slipper.


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