Donald W. Mitchell

16 maggio 2014

"At the Frontier of Christian-Buddhist dialogue"


Donald W. Mitchell, Professor Emeritus of Asian and Comparative Philosophy of Purdue University, is the guest of the second "Sophia’s Lectures" of the a. a. 2013/2014, the cultural appointment  which twice yearly is promoted by the IUS, and which is open to the academic community and to all others interested. 


Friday, May 16, 2014 – at 6:00 pm

Loppiano Auditorium


The DIRECT STREAMING in Italian will be soon available



Read  in-depth article at this link



Paolo Frizzi – professor of Interreligious dialogue at the IUS


Brief biographical profile on Donald W. Mitchell

Prof. Mitchell, known expert on Buddhism and on Christian-Buddhist  dialogue, is the author of various books, amongst which "Kenosi and Nothing absolute: a dynamic of spiritual life in Buddhism and in Christianity" (Città Nuova, 1993), through which he brings into focus the need for mutual and creative understanding between the great religions in our global society.


He has since directed various groups of dialogue and interreligious studies, one of which is the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies, which he helped found. In these past years he has presented his research in numerous International conventions. At present, he is a consultant for the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue and for the North American Episcopal Conference.

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